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After nearly 40 years, our Stand of Colours recently left the Virginia Museum of History and Culture.  On special occassion, we welcome exhibition to other groups for educational or honorary purposes (as shown at right at one of our SRVirginia events). As of 2023, our Stand of Colours are on permanent display at the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown.  This serves as a tribute to our forefathers and the sacrifices they made in their quest for Independence. For further information or for Colour Guard requests, Contact our Captain of the Colour Guard.
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Stand of Colours

History After World War I, our state society began a Colour Guard, a collection of honorary flags relating to the Revolution or state societies and organizations. Flags were given by members or friends of SRVirginia as memorials to an ancestor, a close relative, or a respected friend. In 1940, The Betsy Ross flag was presented to SRVirginia. In the 1950s thirteen new flags were added to the Colours, and by the late 1960s, the collection had grown to more than 30. They were displayed on numerous occasions, at parades and memorial events, including the Bicentennial in Yorktown, April 1976. Since 1993, Virginia’s Stand of Colours has eclipsed 58 individual flags with members generously donating to the collection each year.  The collection is currently housed and displayed at the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown  
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Dating back to the founding of our Society, we strive to perpetuate the beliefs of our founding fathers and the sentiments of the American Revolution. Consequently, in 1902 our Society’s board authorized the payment of one $25.00 gold piece to an individual with the best essay on a Revolutionary Topic. This practice continues today with annual awards to three students for essays that include research and opinion on Revolutionary topics. How to Apply: Scholarship opportunities may be provided for both Undergraduate and Graduate students that meet the minimum qualifications of the scholarship program and those that exceed the necessary requirements of award.  For a detailed list of essay topics and instructions, please review the "How to Apply" tab on the Scholarships Menu.   Qualifications: Applicants must be a legal Virginia resident or descendant of a Virginia member attending any accredited college, university or post-graduate program in 2018. Scholarships will be awarded based on academic achievement, extracurricular activities, community service and a written essay on a topic as selected by the Board of Managers. Judging: Applications will be judged by an independent panel with academic and historical backgrounds. Scholarship recipients will be notified no later than the end of May. Questions regarding the Scholarship Fund can be directed to the Scholarship Chairman at Limitations: One award per student per Undergraduate and/or Graduate program.
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Patriots Fund

Purpose As a significant portion of our mission is to grow funds that enable the Virginia Society to support and expand its scope of patriotic activities. The Patriots Fund augments our operating budget and allows organizations become beneficiaries as approved by the Officers and Board of Managers. From marking gravesites, to erecting monuments, to preservation of historic places and antiquities, some of our contributions through the years have included: 2023 Beneficiaries Library of Virginia Foundation's Convention of 1776 Project; James Monroe Memorial Foundation; Colonial Williamsburg; American Revolution Museum at Yorktown 2022 Beneficiaries 1776 Project at the Library of Virginia; The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation; American Revolution Museum at Yorktown 2020 Beneficiaries St. John's Episcopal Church, Mary Washington House Museum, The Parsons' Cause Foundation Past Contributions John Marshall Foundation; Wilton House, Fraunces Tavern, Virginia War Memorial, Wounded Warriors; St. John's Church, Mason's Hall 1785 Foundation, Friends of Shockoe Cemetery, Menokin; Patrick Henry's Scotchtown; American Revolution Museum at Yorktown; George Washington's Ferry Farm; The Virginia Museum of History and Culture (formally the Virginia Historical Society); Revolutionary Richmond Historical Contributions General Nathaniel Green Monument, Valley Forge, PA; Rochambeau Monument, Yorktown, VA; Yorktown Wayside Marker (Rochambeau Trail)
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$125.00:   Annual dues for active members living in the state (new for 2022 calendar year) $85.00:    Annual dues for active members living out of the state (new for 2022 calendar year) $100.00:  A one-time initiation fee for all new members for initial application. A reduction of the initiation fee from $100 to $75 is provided to those Junior Applicants who are existing members of the Children of the American Revolution (CAR). $150 Reinstatement Fee: For former members that have an interest in reinstatement / rejoining ----------------------------------------------- Please note:  If you wish to pay your dues online; you may pay for your dues through the secure Member Portal located at the top of the page; or you may pay your dues via the "Patriots Fund" donation tab.  Please include the phrase "Annual Dues" in the field "Donation made in the name of".
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How to Join

To qualify for membership in the Sons of the Revolution (SR) you must be male with an ancestor who actively assisted in establishing American Independence by his/her acts or counsel between April 19, 1775 and April 19, 1783 in Military, Naval, Marine Service, by service in the Continental Congress or Congress of any of the thirteen colonies, or by service as an official under authority of such bodies. Lifetime Membership*: Paid in one lump sum. Active membership is for all males over the age of 18. Junior membership** is for all males under the age of 18. * Lifetime Membership available to Junior Members only ** Junior members pay a one time application, but do not pay an annual fee. Application
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General Society History

The Sons of the Revolution (SR) was founded in 1876. Members of the Society of the Cincinnati, which restricted participation to a single male descendant, wanted to broaden participation and so formed the SR. The same mission – to promote knowledge and appreciation of the achievement of American independence and to foster fellowship – was continued. Open to all sons of enlisted men, as well as officers, and descendants of other qualifying patriots, the General Society Sons of the Revolution was formed in April 19, 1890. Formed by the District of Columbia, Pennsylvania and New York Societies, an organization structure was created to allow for both local/state autonomy and national unity. The New York Society purchased, restored and still maintains Fraunces Tavern and Museum at 45 Pearl Street in New York. Today, there are 28 societies, only one being allowed per state, within the United States and Europe designated as a 501(c)3 nonprofit educational organizations. The General Society headquarters are in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia. Visit for details and other General Society information. Society Differences The chart below helps illustrate how our Sons of the Revolution (SR) society differs from the other two Revolutionary descendant-based organizations. Name Founded Acronym Member Qualification OUR SOCIETY: SONS OF THE REVOLUTION 1890 SR (Varies by state chapter) Any male descendant of a soldier in Military, Naval, Marine Service, or by service in the Continental Congress or Congress of any of the thirteen colonies, or by service as an official under authority of such bodies. SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI 1783 SC (Varies by state chapter) The oldest male direct descendant of officers of the Continental Army and Navy and their French counterparts during the Revolutionary War (not marines). Only one descendant per ancestor is permitted per state. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (SAR) 1889 SAR (Varies by state chapter) Any male descendant of a supporter of the revolution, through either a military, congressional or patriot or overt act of resistance to the authority of Great Britain.

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